Alberto Lopez (US)
About Alberto
It is a personal honor to be allowed to lay hands on another human being to assist in their healthcare journey. Being a polarity therapist is very important to me and I am proud to offer high quality bodywork services to my clients.,,I began my training with an open mind and the moment I got to work on people, I knew I had made the right decision. During my training I was able to enhance my skills and knowledge through clinical practice, and community service by volunteering doing body work at the Human Race 5K and with project operation surf, both in Santa Cruz California. After my initial training I continue to enhance my knowledge by taking more classes and training. ,,My practice revolves around a compassionate understanding of one's physical, mental, and emotional self. I craft each session based on the client's individual needs and goals. We work together to create a session uniquely designed to facilitate healing and comfort. This allows your body to heal itself, as it is intended to do. I firmly believe in compassion, love, understanding, and comfort in one's own skin. ,,I respect the beliefs and values of others, regardless of race, religion, sexual orientation and ideas. I feel I can learn something from each individual I encounter, and my ultimate goal is help others in need. ,,Bodywork is a wonderful gift everyone can give themselves for nurturing their health and wellness.,