Brian Jansen (US)
About Brian
I have been in practice since 2003 and hold the following credentials: -Polarity Therapy Professional (IPEA) -Board Certified Polarity Practitioner (APTA) -Registered Polarity Educator (APTA) -Registered Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist (BCST/NA) -Board Certified Massage Therapist (NCBTMB) I have a Polarity Therapy Training program in San Francisco and train practitioners in an apprentice-like atmosphere with classes up to 6 students. I did my primary training in Polarity with Cindy Rawlinson, student of Dr. Stone, and with Marjori Bernstein, a student of Pierre Pannetier, and am a graduate of the Soma-Psyche Institute in NYC. I studied Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy with Franklyn Sills. If you are interested in receiving a session or studying with me please don't hesitate to get in touch; I would love to hear from you.