Richard Overly (US)
About Richard
I have been involved in healing therapy since my days as a minister in laying on of hands in healing prayer. In 1985 I met Eva Reich who introduced me to Polartiy that she had learned in Austrailia. I expeienced the power of Polartiy in body psychotherapy to restore the flow of energy through the body that had been blocked as a result of trauma. I also saw it work in a reflex tool, Metamophosis, to elicit memories prior to and including birth that impeded ones capacity to fully live life. Further, Polarity done in this way got energy into a cold pelvis during pregnancy to sometimes prevant a miscarriage. Later, I met Alan Siegel and learned his simple wonderful approach to Polarity and he encouraged me to teach that to others. As a result of this I have used Polarity by name in my therapeutic work for over 30 years, even though I was using the principles of Polartiy long before.
I have taught Polarity since learning from Eva and Alan as a part of Gentle Bio-Energetics, as well as separate Polarity courses in line with Alan's approach. The venues have been in massage schools and workshops in a number of countries in Europe, Asia and the Untied States. I also encourage students who are interested in other approaches to Polarity to seek out other teachers.