VII. The Student understands the relationship of geometry to the three principles and five elements as it applies to the life practice and/or healing art they are learning.
Dr. Stone Quotes
“God Geometrizes”
Polarity Key Words:
Congruent Modality Concepts:
A. The Students Understands the Geometry of Balance and Harmonious Relationship
Dr. Stone Quotes
Polarity Key Words: Five Star Pattern, Interlaced Triangles
Congruent Modality Concepts: Golden Mean, Golden Section, Spiral Geometry,
B. The Student Understands Reflexive Geometry
Dr. Stone Quotes
Polarity Key Words: Polarity Reflexology
Congruent Modality Concepts: As Above Then So Below
C. The Student understands the Geometry of Evolution and Involution Dr. Stone Quotes
Dr. Stone Quotes
Polarity Key Words: Polarity Reflexology
Congruent Modality Concepts: